dxAce wrote:
m II wrote:
dxAcehole wrote:
You are truly a weasel. Why can't you just answer the question. Do you
find cuhulin's/dxAce's/Burr's racist comments offensive or don't you?
Personally, I find dumbass Canucks, such as yourself, highly offensive.
You find the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to be offensive, so I'm
in good company
Good company? You're in friggin' CanaDuh!
Still 'effin your ass off I see.
I realize you are a product of the US education system , so I'll cut you
some slack here. The correct spelling of my country's name is 'Canada'.
Kill any Mexicans last night Ace? Any blood on the old axe handle? It's
out by your back door if you need a quick verification (a)...
Main Entry: ver·i·fi·ca·tion
Pronunciation: "ver-&-f&-'kA-sh&n
Function: noun
: the act or process of verifying : the state of being verified