On Tue, 26 Jun 2007 05:12:24 -0700, Davey Vile K8MN SUX Secwet Woger wrote:
On Jun 22, 5:26 am, "Chris" wrote:
On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 23:50:40 -0400, wrote:
beaten but good
The fact that you SAY it is so doesn't make it so. IMHO, you have been
making a fool out of yourself for years whilst Woger has been doing it
for decades.
The fact YOU say so doesn't make it so, either............hypocrite.
What part of "IMHO" don't you comprehend? The fact that I say it's my
opinion, makes it just that: My opinion. However, my opinion is shared
by many others, including the owner of COTSE. ["KC8JBO is an idiot in
my opinion." -- Stephen K. Gielda, owner of COTSE, in message
However, you DO appear to be the more mindless fool. You've beaten
Woger in that category.
"Woger" .... Still giving bj's down at the bus station, Chris? Maybe
you can get conjital visits with jailed Pedophile Kevin Alfred Strom.
I don't know what a "conjital" visit is supposed to be in your mind,
Woger. Is that where you go on weekends? Is that why you keep bringing
it up?
And who is this Kevin Alfred Strom person? Is he someone that's
important to you in some way? Never heard of him before you mentioned
the name, and it's not anywhere on CNN or Fox's web pages, so he must be
unimportant to the world at large. Why do you worry about him, Woger?