In article , "Dutchm@n"
One of my rigs is a TS570S.
I expected Kenwood to put out a matching VHF/UHF
all mode and am rather disappointed.
Looks like Icom is the only choice such as the
IC821 or 910 as a companion.
TS-2000 a very capable VHF/UHF/HF, SSB/AM/FM/PKT/RTTY/CW....did I miss
anything....Oh yes and the birds. It also has a built in .5 PPM TCXO
which you'll have to pay around $300 U.S. for in the IC-910. Nice to
have that extra stability for tracking the birds.
You also need to install a mast mounted preamp for the VHF/UHF work when
using the TS2000.
Just my opinion of course, but I think a lot of rig for the money.
Dale, K9VUJ