Jimmie D wrote:
Revamping an old homebrew SW receiver I built about 30 years ago. Is there
an IC that will serve as an AM SSB FM detector. The existing AM/SSB detector
is on a board the size of a playing card.
You could probably twist some of the FM/IF detectors into doing that.
Many of them have RSSI outputs that go as the log of the signal
strength, I've seen literature that suggests you can block the DC from
that and feed an exponential stage to get AM detection with built-in
AGC. For SSB, if you switched out the quadrature filter for FM
detection and injected a BFO into the appropriate pin you could get SSB.
But if you're playing around with a board the size of a playing card,
why not build three optimized detectors, or get ambitious and slap down
a DSP with appropriate ADC and DAC resources?
Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
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