Gear for sale
Gear for sale
Hi, all concerned:
In order to down-size, but *not* to get out of hamming, I have the following
gear up for sale:
Two Kenwood TS-850SAT's, one hand mic (I'm a c-w man; even one mic is one
too many, hi), use and svc manuals, "MARS mod" from,
"50-million-plus" S/N on
both. I'm fussy about the 20MHz clock oscillators being "on frequency", so
I made tweaker-access-holes in the '850 side panels, in order not to have to
remove the tops to set them while listening to WWV. $675@ + ship
Two NCL2000 1KW-input c-w/2KW input SSB amplifiers, with manuals,
relay-soft-start mod $650@ + ship
2 NOS RCA 8122 spares for NCL2000 amp $225/pair
Two Ameritron QSK-5's, books $150@ + ship
Two Drake W-4 wattmeters $70@ + ship
Two low-pass filters toss in w/rig
2 Johnson KW MatchBoxes, books, VSWR sensors $350@ + ship
One Kenwood PS-430 supply, book, scratch on front $85 + ship
One Astron 35A metered supply $75 + ship
One Kenwood YG-455CN-1 270Hz c-w filter $60 + ship
One Kenwood YK-88CN-1 270Hz c-w filter $60 + ship
One InRad IR-455H250 250Hz c-w filter $60 + ship
One InRad IR-88H250 250Hz c-w filter $60 + ship
One InRad #94 8830KHz 2.1KHz SSB filter $60 + ship
None of the equipments is beaten up; however they do show the signs of
my "normal use", eg, I rest my fingers on the tuning knob. You know what I
mean. No sticking buttons, binding knobs, broken or sticky meters, and all
pilot lamps light up.
Heights 80-ft self-supporting aluminum tower, 26ft-sq wind load, rotor shelf
20-ft mast, 2" OD X 0.250 wall $100
Create RC-5 rotator, 100ft cable $350
CC X7 $400
*old* HyGain 2L 40M yagi we need to talk ;o)
Five 100ft runs of RG8-type low-loss coax cable $100/lot
All is at grade level, good to go.
I'll take the best offer on any of the above, and reserve the right to
accept or reject any or all offers.
Disclaimers: No DOA, but used-as-is-where-is. Willing to ship what I can
UPS-ground-insured, and though I can't drive any more, I may be able to meet
part way *if* I can get my son to help out with loading and driving the
pickemup truck I gave him last year. I have good shipping cartons for all
the radiostuff. The amps weigh in at over 80 lbs, tho.
Payment methods: cash, certified or personal checks, or combo are fine.
I'll turn loose the goods, on complete clearance of all of what ever medium
in which we shake hands and do business. Can't take cards or other
Thanks for reading this far.
73, Dave, N3HE
Cincinnati, OH