On Jul 7, 8:40 pm, VK3XAO wrote:
On Jul 7, 12:57 am, "The Shadow" wrote:
"VK3XAO" wrote in message
roups.com... Which HF radio xcvr was used in theSBDca. 1940-42? My feeling is
that it would have been the ARB, but need to have this confirmed. This
is for a scene in a movie set in Guadalcanal in 1942, where a link to
home is maintained by (quote) 'a radio scavenged from a wreckedSBD'.
A serious authenticity effort is being made.
John Mackesy VK3XAO
John the info may be in this book
DouglasSBDDauntless Dive Bomber Pilot's Flight Manual
see URL:http://www.lulu.com/content/473250
Also there were severalSBDvariations some 12V systems others 24V power -
see URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~fbonne/warbird...s/dougsbd.html
You might contact the MRCG URL:http://syzen.com/milradio/
There is a description of RU equipment at URL:http://hereford.ampr.org/millist/m23.html
ARB equip at URL:http://hereford.ampr.org/millist/m10.html
My Uncle was a Radio Op/Gunner inSBD'sso I have always had an interest in
this plane
Lamont - ex Navy AT1 1951-1955
Thanks for that really interesting and informative response - much
appreciated. A 12VSBD! The idea of trying to start an R1820 on 12V
doesn't really appeal, esp. on a frosty morning.
The choice has been narrowed down to ARB or GU, both of which are
available. My feeling is that the aircraft used in combat would be the
later models, which could well have used the ARB.
Thanks againm
John Mackesy VK3XAO
Major brain fade! The 12V R1820 would have used an *inertia* starter,
not a direct-cranking starter.
John Mackesy VK3XAO