Surface dust on the orbiting Universe
Just had some interesting reading on moon dust, mars dust e.t.c
I am amased that scientists had not figured out what the dust really
Actually it fits very nicely in my thesis where errent particles fly
thru space
in swarm form as per radio communication. Just one thing escapes me
and that is particles pointed at the moons surface which penetrate the
extreme earths fields and then go on to hit the moon and then reflect
Yet on the moons surface are zillians of these static particles stuck
to its surface.
The question is thus why is the moon which is covered with static
also allow static particles to deflect? I don't know to much about
the moon but this would suggest the moon has a minimum gravitational
pull .
Not enough strength to totally absorb the impact of static
particles which are then allowed to bounce back to earth where it
becomes atached to diagmatic materials in radio antenna form.
This fits my thesis on radio propagation. What really bothers me is
that people in the space industry seem to not have any inclination
of the nature of this dus tis.. Anybody aware of papers that discuss
phenomina of surface covering materials of orbiting masses in the
Universe? I sure would appreciate pointers where the specifications
of surface dust is located together with comparisons to that covering
other orbiting units in the universe.