Novel source for copper antenna wire
On 9 Jul, 04:29, "W3JDR" wrote:
Are you suggesting to load the transmitter RF output into the shield of the
existing live CATV drop cable? You'll wreak havoc with the network and
you'll destroy any trust that exists between the local ham community and the
Cable company. This is a horrible suggestion! Same goes for loading up the
phone line with RF
Ignore this one guys - be responsible!
"Charles" wrote in message
... Today, while perusing the wares at a local marine outfitting
store, I came upon 300 foot reels of 20ga. 7-strand copper
wire intended for use as "fishing cable".
Cable TV uses a multi-core cable with aluminum shield. If suspended above
ground between houses then there is also a steel wire around it, at least
my area. The steel makes a good antenna, and a thumb-tack makes a good
contact with the aluminum shield.
Fence-wire in our neighborhood makes a good 160-meter antenna, and it is
already erected ;-)
Try loading your 80-metre TX into the telephone cable, providing it does
lead underground.
In Northern climates they have 2 parallel 20-metre long metal rod,s like a
ships handrail, to stop snow sliding off the roof and burying passers-by.
inside the roof space and connect to it.
There are loads of ready-made antennas without having to buy anything at
all. Just use some of them when the neighbours are asleep (in this area
is during the day).
With this suggestion solving the aerial problem then you need a good
ground to go with it. Maybe you could tie one end of a spool of wire
to a wad of paper and flush that down the toilet. When the spool
unwinds to the end you just connect that to the ground lug on your ham
rig and you have a long counterpoise wire installed underground. It
is even inside a protective conduit. What more could you ask for?