20M open again
On Jul 9, 8:23 pm, Dave "Cockroach" Heil K8MN
"Davey Vile K8MN SUX" wrote:
On Jul 1, 1:56 am, "Not Roger" anon@anon wrote:
Roger may IKYABWAI
It's interesting you are on the internet whining at 1:56 AM on a
weekend night, instead of being with a woman.
If we look
If we look at the wording of the post, it exactly matches the wording
of any Assheil post.
I didn't write it
Wrong, "Cockroach", you did write it. Arer you claiming they don't
have the internet in California, now?
and I was at the Fillmore
Sure you were, sure you were.
in San Francisco enjoying a concert at 10:56 PM when it
was posted.
You were more likely in one of the gay bathhouses there.
Oh, did you have a over the air sex session with Eric Oyen?
I didn't get on the air from California, Rog.
No, out of band Frenchmen to contact?
Why are you answering the comments to the "Not Roger" post, if you
weren't him. Why would you care?
Is that the sort of thing you think of often?
Why do you ask, Viagra isn't doing the job for you and you need
textual stimulation?
Know it all blowhard Assheil screws up again!
Boy Defective Roger Leo Wiseman obviously doesn't know it all.
Molested by his priest daddy David Eric Heil doesn't know it all,
Did you give Marti some ideass how to sell that cheap ugly jewelry
while you were there?
Did you relate to Paris and Zane your many DX-polits, over and over
again, fat boy?
Especially when he claims this isn't the bottom of the 11 year solar
I made no such claim.
Sure you did. Google has the post archived.
We are convinced you are a liar, Heil.
You and the other voices in UnWiseman's head?
No, it's the newsgroup consensus, Assheil.