HF scanner recommendation
A coworker of mine talks about how interesting HF is. He's moving and has
been nice enough to give me one of his old HF receiver antennas. It's a
Dressler (not sure the exact model) but he said it's good for receiving
skywave and other HF signals.
I've been looking around on the net and all scanners I can find for HF
seem to be $200 or greater. I'm really just a beginner (don't even have a
technicians license), and only have an old Uniden Bearcat scanner. Up
until now I didn't even have an antenna on the roof. I'm trying to take
advantage of this situation (my friend being nice enough to give me an old
antenna he says is quite good) and expand my horizons, but I'm not trying
to break the bank in doing so. Are there $100 HF "beginner" kits out
there? I don't necessarily need programmable dial entries - just a basic
tuner to get me started.
Any ideas or recommendations?