legal power
On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 15:50:08 -0400, "David" wrote:
Does anyone run legal power anymore? I can sit in my jeep and work the
United States and many times the world on any band from 10 to 40 meters
running 40 watts. But I can't seem to make a damn CB contact. I modified
my Yaesu FT840 for open TX when the 60 meter band became available to hams
and I can TX on the CB channels now. Even running 20 W AM no one seems to
hear me on any CB channel though I can tune up to 10 Meters and get a 59+20
signal report from Arizona an the same radio and antenna. I'm starting to
think that every CBer runs 600 Watts with a bad receiver. I used to have a
lot of fun with a little 4 watt CB when I was a kid and before I got my ham
David KG2LI
The CB band has gone to hell this summer. I cannot engage in local rag chew
because I have DX coming in like they are next door. I love DX, but sometime I
want to just BS with my friends.
Vinnie S.