Best Tube-Type Transceiver?
Scott Dorsey wrote:
Failing that, converting the beasts to a transmitting tube of some
sort seems the only way to go,as sweep tubes are a thing of the past.
Apparently they take a lot of different internals from audio types,
which are the market today.
Yes, I grew up watching folks changing old surplus military gear to
take cheap commercial sweep tubes. Now I am watching people converting
cheap commercial gear to take surplus military sweep tubes....
I converted my old Hallicrafters SR150 from sweep tubes (6DQ6's if I recall)
to 6146s. It is still around the local ham community and running fine. The
nice things about the 6146's was that they are small enough to fit in almost
any PA subchassis, and all I had to do was rewire the sockets.
Sure wish I still had it. I let it go about 25 years ago!