"Rick (W-A-one-R-K-T)" wrote in
Someone said something about an electric hammer and that I could drive
the rod into the ground in "minutes". If I go to try to rent one of
those, what should I be looking for?
I made the adapter for mine from a regular bull point which was cut off,
annealed and drilled with a blind 15.1 mm hole, then re-tempered. The
sytem drives rods is as quick as you can climb down the ladder. I have
driven 24' electrodes (3 x 8' with couplers) using this system.
No doubt they can be purchased, but you may be able to rent the hammer
and driver. If you cannot rent a driver specific to earth electrods, you
may be able to get a driver for star pickets (or whatever you call them)
and make a small adapter to keep the electrode centred in the adapter.
See how you think after you have hit your hand a couple of times!
You will see articles on the net describing drilling a hole with a hose
and a peice of pipe. I have reservations about this, because it is no
longer a drive electrode. I have not seen this method used by commercial
applications and I suspect that if one was contracted to drive
electrodes, this would not be an acceptable method.