Help - Heathkit GR-78 Rx - power connectors
Simon wrote:
Thanks, Vern and Scott for your replies. As a collector of old sets, I
prefer to keep them original where possible. I had to replace the
Ni-cads with set of AAs soldered in the same format as the old Heath one
which was dead. I don't think we have cheater plugs here, but maybe
under another name. Unfortunately Cinch-Jones plugs are not available in
Australia and getting one from US suppliers is almost impossible these
days due to either anti-terrorist legislation (export permits now needed
for retail electronics) or credit card use (sorry, you have no confirmed
US address). Fortunately buying from private individual is technically
easier using Paypal but the new postage rates with no more seamail makes
boatanchor purchases uneconomic. Simon
So write info at cinch dot com, and ask them who the Antipodean sales
distributor for their line is.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."