Eton E5/Grundig G5 Frequency Extension hack?
On Jul 17, 12:22 am, Blue Streak wrote:
Hi, folks!
I've been trying to look up some hacks for my Eton E5 radio to
extend its frequency range. I have read up on a few for the Degen
DE1103 / Kaito KA1103 for listening 150 kHz (i.e. lowering the floor
below 150 kHz) on AM and boosting the ceiling to ~40 MHz on AM and
more than 300 MHz on FM. However, I have still found nothing for the
E5/G5 radio.
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
Yea, why waste $150 on a ****ty Eton E5, when you have the same radio
in a $65 Degen 1103 ?