PhattyMo wrote:
gwatts wrote:
PhattyMo wrote:
gwatts wrote:
Mad Scientist Jr wrote:
Does anyone know where you can order a plastic 9v battery holder with
a snap off cover that flush mounts in a project box, guitar body, etc?
It would be like the AA battery holder in this Synsonics Terminator
guitar except for 9v...
There are a few he
$16 for a battery holder!!?#$
Bring your Vaseline.
Do you have any better suggestions for what Mad Sci Jr. wants?
Maybe "Figure H" here..?
And it's only $4.
It doesn't really lend itself to mounting in a guitar body like the
examples he gave but it might work for what he wants, and why didn't you
say so in the first place, why did it take someone else goading you in
to it after you made some snide comment about someone else's positive