Fitting of TS-450 into 93 Landcrusier - Help
Hello All,
I am in the process of fitting my TS-450 into the family Landcrusier.
The problem I have found is, that even though the Landcrusier is a big
vehicle, it still lacks the space to fit a large size rig. Even having
problems fitting a TM-742 VHF/UHF rig.
Before I go through a lot of pulling out hear, which there is not much of it
left, I would like to know if anyone else has fitting a rig of this size
into a Landcrusier. I would think a few Ozzies might of.
I want to make the install safe, easy to access, use the controls on the
rig, and be able to see the display.
Any help would be grateful.
Kevin, ZL1KFM