broken rp2100
On Jul 20, 6:25 am, wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Some time ago I purchased a Redsun RP2100. Overall I have been
pleased with it as it has performed well for me. Recently the front
dial became damaged during a flight in my luggage. The plastic dial
is loose and the rotary switch inside is starting to get more and more
play. I suspect the rotary switch of the main tuning dial is not long
for this world. Does anyone know where what model this rotary switch
is and where I would be able to find a replacement? Thanks for any
help you can give me. Regards,
1 - Contact the Seller and inquire but don't commit.
2 - It may be far simplier to buy a new one then
to attempt to repair the damaged/broken one.
hope this helps ~ RHF