Jerry Martes wrote:
"amdx" wrote in message
I built the circuit from the page below.
The I get 0v out when held near my wireless router, if
I put it near the microwave oven, the high input impedance
meter bounces up and down between 7mv and 80mv and
everything in between.
I used a 1N416E diode and a 1500pf filter capacitor. The
tuning cap doesn't have any affect.
Should this circuit work? If so what could I be doing wrong?
Hi Mike
That device looks so interesting to me that I will build one.
Have you thought about the reason for using the Quad? It seems that
complexity of the Quad+Reflector with the tuning capacitor might be used for
some reason other than gain. A dipole over a piece of copper would be
about the same "gain".
And, since the output of this device never needs to connect to a coax, why
do you suppose the *right angle* BNC is used?
because that packaging worked for the original builder? It stands off
nicely from the BNC/Banana adapter?
I once built some helical antennas and used TNC connectors I had in my
junkbox. The TNC to BNC or TNC to SMA adapters I then had to use
actually cost more than the whole rest of the antenna, and certainly
more than a SMA chassis mount connector would have. Should have just
used the right connector from the start.
I'll learn something from this project.