On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 23:42:52 -0000, "
On Jul 29, 1:10 pm, Danny Richardson wrote:
On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 14:06:44 -0000, "
So here's my question. Is it ok to have multiple shallow grounding
rods versus one longer grounding rod? For example, what's the
difference between 2 four foot rods versus 1 eight foot rod?
Dan, W4XJF
Dan, you didn't mention the type of ground you're seeking (safety, RF
or lightining). If lightining, here's a good place to start.
Danny, K6MHE
Sorry, I should have been somewhat more specific. I'm looking to
create an RF ground.
If it's an RF ground for an antenna, radials, buried or elevated,
would be better than ground rod(s).