Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
Here in Israel, the Electric company is NOT allowed to sell Internet
access. Planning for the day they will, they have laid fibre optic
cables along all of their right of way. Currently they use it for
their own internal data communications.
Here in the USA we have manufactured "shortages" to manipulate the law
of supply and demand. We have also let our antitrust laws become
"trampled." Here, very large corporations manipulate the public as if
they are children; these children have become very stupid and have no
vision or common sense. To worsen matters, large corporations have
bought our government officials and news media; the population is now
fed lies, half-truths or simply no facts at all ...
We invented fiber optic cable, however, we will probably be the last in
the world to have our whole country with easy access to it--it is not in
the telcos best financial interests to see us all with dirt cheap
internet access. However, some work against these large corps and
attempt to find ways around their manipulations; BPL is but one example
of this.
The 700Mhz freqs in question is/are a very good example of this, which
is now playing out. Many wish to see these freqs cheap, with abundant
access and choices of uses and out from under the direct manipulations
of self-serving corporations/politics. However, this is not in the best
financial interests of the "powers which be."
700Mhz (or, nationwide cheap fiber optics, for that matter) would be
preferable to BPL, however, BPL has the possibility of being able to
escape the large political/corporate controls; but, as you can see in
the articles about 700Mhz, the billions are already being gotten
together by the "evil empire" to buy your future and rent it to you at
VERY inflated prices--here in the good 'ole USA ...
Your mileage, as well as your country, may vary ... Robin Hood rides in
the form of BPL--sometimes; even Google can appear as the Dragon-Slayer
in this sad Greek comedy/tragedy which plays before our eyes ... in
America. :-(
Amateur Radio and its' importance just stands as a pale ghost in
comparison to the dramatic figures in this play ... the amateur
community were warned--long ago; few paid attention--now it is too late.