Stridsberg Service...
D Peter Maus wrote:
Took a static strike, here, during a round of thunderstorms two
weeks ago. Real Wrath of God storm. And a big lightning strike.
I was out of the house and the antenna was still connected to the
receiving system. The strike generated enough of a spike to take out the
front end on one of my Stridsberg multicouplers.
Wrote to Stridsberg. Got a response within a couple of hours telling
me where to send it.
Packed it up, sent it on, figuring it would be three weeks before I
saw it again. This was on Monday.
A package I wasn't expecting arrived 8 days later, yesterday. Amazed
to find my multicoupler, sealed, packed to survive a head-on with Rosie
Not bad.
Spread the word.
Probably didn't charge anything either. Had mine fixed a time or two, and even