It's probably all garbage anyway, as is most ham equipment on ebay!
Is it garbage to find an item that you need? Is it garbage to find an
item from your youth? Is it garbage to find an item that you always
wanted from your youth but you could not afford? Is it garbage to find a
hard to find item? Yes, some items on ebay are garbage but where else
can you go to get what you want, need from around the world?? You
should really grow up and look at the big picture. You can get screwed
at hamfests just as easily. I have been burned at hamfests here and
there over the last 25 years. I have won many of auctions on ebay
since 1996. NEVER have I been cheated or stiffed on a ham item! My
last "big" item I won on ebay was a Yaesu FT-847. I won it last year
for the price of $790.00. It works like a champ and looks like BRAND
NEW!!! Never a problem.
So don't you be so cynical (sin-ecch-al, just for you). Wake up and
smell the coffee. Ebay is here to stay.
early wrote:
On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 13:54:30 GMT, nospam
It's probably all garbage anyway, as is most ham equipment on ebay!