Which Are The"Actual" GE Superadios ? -and- Which Are The 'So-...
Let me go into my hall by my bathroom and fish that radio out from that
pile of junk on top of that old foot locker (cramed full of old radios)
next to those other old fool lockers. (cramed full of old radios) Yes, I
do own a General Electric Model P-780E radio.The radio is in nice
physical and cosmetic condition.It is a radio that I bought at the
Goodwill (I shop fashionably at the Goodwill store.In fact, I am going
to stop off at the Goodwill store tomorrow afternoon on my way to the
Wal Mart store, food department) years and years ago.Somebody had wrote
their name on the inside of the battery cover thingy, it says, Dot