Happy Hiroshima / Nagasaki Day folks!
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Little bitty Japanese garbage trucks,,, (I want one! I can haul my
Goodwll store junk around in it.My raggity old 1978 Dodge lonnnng
wheelase van stays full of Goodwill store junk all the time) those great
big garbage trucks around here, (sometimes, I have heard and seen them
as late as 11:30 PM rolling down my street.One time, about four months
ago, one of them garbage trucks broke down right in front of my house.I
went out there and asked them if they needed any help, tools or
whatever) you could put two or three of them little bitty Japanese
garbage trucks in American big a.s garbage trucks, with plenty of room
left over.
Back to the Dresden firebombing thingy, Hitler firebombed
Coventry,England.Coventry was a very important manufacturing City,
Aircraft and things.Churchill didn't let on to Hitler that he (Churchill
and America) already knew Coventry was to be bombed because that would
have let Hitler know about Bletchley Park, Enigma machines,
reading/decypherying the Nazis code.
I figure we didn't do any worse to Dresden than what Hitler did to
Coventry and London.
I have a "very" little Suzuki 4x4 pickup with noisy tires & a 660cc 12
valve. I get 28k to the lit.
It's called a "Multicab" van and a Toyota Diesel Van 2.0.