Scanner programming
I have a Pro - 95 scanner - which - by way of a jack on its side - you can
hook up to another Pro-95 to duplicate the programing. I come across a
Pro-97 which "appears" to have the same capability - by virtue of a similar
jack on the side of it.
I don't have any info on the Pro-97. Does anyone know - if you could
conceivably - program a Pro-97 by way of a Pro-95? Yeah, I could try it, but
don't want to risk damaging either - or deprogramming either as they
currently stand. Also, if it is possible to duplicate the 95 onto the 97 -
what on the Pro-97 - would be the commands to do so? I can't recall off the
top of my head the Pro-95 commands - but have the book here for it - to look
up as needed. Are they the same - or?