Scanner programming
Radiosrfun wrote:
I have a Pro - 95 scanner - which - by way of a jack on its side - you
can hook up to another Pro-95 to duplicate the programing. I come across
a Pro-97 which "appears" to have the same capability - by virtue of a
similar jack on the side of it.
You can copy the settings/ channel from one to the other using external
softwa for example Win97 and Win95 from Starrsoft As far as I know you'd need to have both
programs on your computer, however both programs are available for a
30-day trial period. You'd download the pro-95 settings to Win95, then
you can easily copy-and-paste them into the Win97 file and upload the
resulting file to the Pro-97.
I'll bet if you explain what you want to do on the RadioReference
software forum:
you'll get all the help you need.
Green Valley AZ