On Aug 17, 7:08 am, wrote:
On Aug 17, 4:43 am, RHF wrote:
Dreaming of a 'new' Panasonic RF-2200 Radio . . . In Your Future ?
For One and All,
If you can find and take a look at the Tecsun Radio Club Roomhttp://www.tecsun.com.cn/radioclub/images/Pic00029.jpg
(R&D) you will see many old and new Radios there including
the Panasonic RF-2200 Radio.
IMHO - The Tecsun BCL-2000 was a step in the right direction
and the Redsun RP2100 is another step along that path . . .
The new Redsun RP3000/RP3100 may be the next step ? ? ?
FWIW - Radio-Electronics manufacturing has changed greatly
in the 30 Years from 1977 to 2007 and a 'close-copy' of the
outward appearance and styling may be 'Doable" by the insides
will be cost effective and very different.
Now Back To The Panasonic RF-2200 Radio :
Read - Restoring the Panasonic RF-2200 Radiohttp://www.radiointel.com/restoring-panasonicrf2200.htm
-by- Jay Allen
Check-Out the National Panasonic RF-2200http://www.noobowsystems.com/restorations/rf-2200/rf-2200-e.html
-aka- "Cougar 2200" Portable Shortwave Receiver
-at- NoobowSystems Lab. Tomioka, Japanhttp://www.noobowsystems.com/restorations/index.html
Radio Restoration Projects
eHam Reviews of the Panasonic RF-2200 Radiohttp://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/4922
Reference "SOLD" 'used' Panasonic RF-2200 Radioshttp://www.universal-radio.com/used/sold064.html
Best "Portable" Radios for AM/MW DXinghttp://www.dxtools.com/BestDXrx.htm
# 3 - Panasonic RF-2200 Radio
-source- DX Tools .Com
Panasonic RF-2200 Radios Photo/Imageshttp://www.universal-radio.com/CATALOG/portable/rf2200.htmlhttp://www...
GOOGLE IMAGES =http://tinyurl.com/2eocoa
Search eBay for : Panasonic RF-2200 Radios
SEARCH eBAY =http://tinyurl.com/yulq9v
Discontinued Shortwave "Portable" Radioshttp://www.universal-radio.com/CATALOG/portdisc.html
-provided by- Universal-Radio.Com
Discontinued Shortwave "Table-Top" Receivershttp://www.universal-radio.com/CATALOG/commdisc.html
-provided by- Universal-Radio.Com
another trip down memory lane while listening
to my shortwave radio ~ RHF
. .
- - - In ,http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Grundig-S350/message/4356
- - - "Nash" nash2042004@... wrote:
- I was looking for a RF-2200 on Ebay in the past, but they
- all looked dog eared and in need of some internal maintenance,
- which would be ok for someone who can fix radios, but I am
- only good at listening to them. :P
- On a lark, I emailed Panasonic last week to ask if they
- would consider selling a commemorative limited edition
- version of the RF-2200. They replied a couple of days
- later saying they would pass along my suggestion to their
- marketing department. My suggestion will probably end and
- die there, but it would be nice to pick up a brand new
- RF-2200 with some updates in design.
- I am using my BCL3000 with a PK AM loop antenna for AM DX.
- The results are good, but I would like to try something better.
- Nash
. .
- Do you have a life ?
- Was it a wet-dream,
- IBOC shill ?
Clearly you do not : Since your life seems to be
relegated to being an Anti-IBOC-Nay-Sayer [.]
Stop Polluting Shortwave Radio Threads with your
Anti-IBOC-Nay-Sayer OTW replys; and please
'get-a-life' even -if- it is only a small one to match
your small brain.
Dreaming of a almost 'new' Panasonic RF-2200 Radio . . .
In My Future ! - Oops I already have 1 or is it 2 ? ~ RHF
- - - along with a Panasonic RF-2800 Radio
and-a Panasonic RF-2900 Radio
and-a Panasonic RF-2600 Radio
and-a Panasonic RF-4900 Radio
Don't Get Into A Radio Panic - Pan-A-Son-Ic !

- - - Why I even had a half-dozen of the nice
Panasonic RF2400 AM/FM Portable Radios
that I got for about $8 each and gave away as
presents at Christmas. mce1 !