RF ALC problem - theory help needed!
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September 1st 04, 02:52 PM
Paul Burridge
Posts: n/a
On 1 Sep 2004 05:23:46 -0700,
(Andrew VK3BFA)
It's interesting that your 707 was fiddled with by a CBer. I had a
friend about 20 years ago who made good beer money by "tweaking-up"
countless 707s by maxing-out the preset pot that controls that
circuit. AIR, they did seem to work quite happily with 180W out on 80M
without detriment to the lifetime of the PA., although it's true to
say that even the unmodified ones are pretty gutsy on the lower bands
(140W approx. on CW) I reckon your problem - such as it is - is mostly
the 'golden screwdriver' adjustment and partly just the normal higher
output you get with a factory-spec rig.
I agree there's nothing worse than opening the lid and finding out
some joker has messed about with your radio, though. You won't know
what exactly the extent of his mods - or skills for that matter -
were. :-(
"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
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