Thread: Cecil's Math
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Old July 11th 03, 04:47 AM
Posts: n/a

I am still left quite confused by this. In the experiment proposed (a
slight variation on Cecil's), at a voltage maximum the current IS a constant 0
(or similarly, at a current maximum, the voltage IS a constant 0). These 0
volts and currents can be measured.

But they are zero only because of superposition. The forward current
is NOT zero and the reflected current is NOT zero. The fact that the
*NET* current is zero just means that all the energy moved into the
electric field at that point but it still exists.

If we accept that instantaneous power is P = V x I, then at any point on
the line where the voltage or current is a constant 0, the power must be a
constant 0.

Nope, for standing waves, if the H-field is zero, all the energy is in the
E-field. If the E-field is zero, all the energy is in the H-field. The field
that is zero is undergoing destructive interference. The other field is
always undergoing an equal magnitude of constructive interference.

From the definition of power, it would seem that where ever the power is
a constant 0, the energy flowing must be a constant 0.

Nope, if the current is zero, the voltage is at its maximum value. You
cannot have a maximum voltage with zero energy.

So I do not understand how energy can get through a point in a circuit
where the voltage or current is always 0, ...

That's one of the problems with being seduced by the steady-state model. :-)
Look at the component forward and reflected waves and all will become clear.
73, Cecil

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