ILG & PT Gone: Who To Use ?
Read the most recent issue of Monitoring Times mag on the subject,
apparently someone is going to take over the PrimeTime database project . .
"bpnjensen" wrote in message
On Aug 27, 3:46 am, "Robert11" wrote:
Just want to be sure I'm not missing any:
Now with ILG gone, and Prime Time about to be gone, who do you folks use
your HF schedules ?
Is EIBI the one to concentrate on, now ?
Or, are there (good) others also available that you like ?
(sure would like it to be importable into the swlog program)
Despite ILG's relative completeness and ability to be "computerized",
seems to me like EiBi has always been a good choice for a core
database, with some other specialty lists for augmentation.
Bruce Jensen