Hi Jay
Yeah that thing must be huge! I've had great reports with my Interceptor
10-K Antenna. Very satisfied.
Jay in the Mojave wrote:
Hello Steveo:
Wow that ground wave sounds like great fun. I have guys in Reno Nv and
Fresno Ca I talk to all the time on ground wave. It seems to be a lot
more steady than the signals skipping off the atmosphere. Oh by the way
all of us are using the Interceptor 10-K Antennas.
Yeah If I can hear them I can usually talk to them.
I put up a full 5/8 wavelength Interceptor for 20 meters, it was 41 feet
tall, and had 4 ea 16 foot ground plane radials. It was a antenna not
from this world. After a while it was no fun, then I used it barefoot,
it worked great. Took it down and started working the quad project.
I have pictures of the Interceptor 10K for 20 meters, it was very large!
Jay in the Mojave
Steveo wrote:
Hello Jay
Yeah those books are good too. I'm up late tonight with the 90 to 150
mile ground wave into Michigan. It's all good since I have tomorrow off
from production. (wipes brow)
If you can hear them you should be able to talk to them, rogo. Need a
good antenna or two. I dig that ground wave.
Jay in the Mojave wrote:
Steveo wrote:
Listens almost as well as it talks!
Hello Steveo:
Roger that, its supposed to. I have a nice collection of CB radio Books
and such. One of the writers was a big time linear manufacture. And
most have passed on.
I would say all is humming there Dude.
I hear skip come in from up north, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, just
in for a few seconds and it fads out. Crazy man!
Jay in the Mojave
New left head gasket, and top radiator hose on 64 Buick
Found a new set of 4ea 6LQ6's tubes in the Barn, will be firin up the
ol D&A Maverick 250 again
Got the Quad working pretty good, but still needs more macthing, may
a hairpin??!?
Out of stuff to say, don't have enough to fill up 5 categories.