What do you think of the new Sangean P{r-D5?
On Aug 28, 10:47 am, Roadie wrote:
On Aug 28, 11:48 am, dead of night wrote:
Hi. This radio is claimed to come with a built-in 200mm AM ferrite
antenna for "unmatched am reception."
A long ferrite rod antenna is only one part of the equation. Who has
verified that it has unmatched am reception. Unmatched AM reception
is a level of performance I would not expect in a dressed up clock
The Universal website states:
"We have carefully tested this radio here at Universal Radio. It is
impressive. We feel it is an exceptional value, and certaintly (sic)
one of the best medium wave DXing machines to come down the pike in a
long time."
Now, one could argue that Universal is trying to sell radios - and one
might be right. However, if true, it would seem strange for Universal
to make this claim on an inexpensive radio when they could push much
higher end rigs for this purpose. Also, I trust Universal's general
level of practical expertise, and whent hey make this claim, I see no
reason to doubt it.
Bruce Jensen