1640KHz saga continues
On Sep 3, 6:47 pm, Telamon
In article . com,
On Sep 3, 12:02 pm, wrote:
I can find no listing in any reference for TIS or any other non
commercial station
in KY.
Regarding my hunt for the UNID 1640 station rebroadcasting A NOAA
weather stream, I had assumed by content it was at or near Cave Run
Lake, near Morehead KY. But we visited there Friday and no signal. I
talked to the Corp of Engineers and they suggested we check in
Jackson. So off we went. As we approached Jackson it was clear it was
not there. But I decided to check the Jackson Airport/NOAA office to
see what they knew.
They were aware of the TIS stations in Winchester and Richmond that
carried NOAA and were for use in the event of a nerve agent leak from
the Blue Grass Army Depot in Richmond, but they knew of no station on
1640. They gave me a list of towns where there are low powered NOAA WX
transmitters to check and it wasn't in any of them. On a lark we went
to Richmond Yesterday and the TIS on 1610 is still only receivable
right next the the emergency center. But there was a different station
on 1640. This one is clearly connected with the Nerve Agent program
and may be in Berea, or it may originate on the depot proper and have
a very poor antenna/feedline/transmitter.Due to time constraints we
could go further south then the bypass in Richmond.
Sooner then later I hope to locate both 1640 transmitters.
I made a very good DF loop out of a square copper pipe loop a foot on
each side and my Wellbrook ALA100 amp. I tried a larger loop (2ft per
side) and the null was not very sharp. Perhaps it interacted with my
body since I did this handheld.
Anyway, DFing AM BCB is pretty trivial.
Try a round loop next time. It should have better nulls.
Ventura, California
I have access to several loops, but given my curent limited mobility I
can't handle a larger loop very well.....
At least this gives me something to do while my arm heals.