If This Is About Shortwave Radio - Post In English Please.
"dxAce" wrote in message
Tom wrote:
On Sep 7, 5:30 am, RHF wrote:
If This Is About Shortwave Radio - Post In English Please.
If This Is Not About Shortwave Radio - Post It Elsewhere Please.
Please Note - This is a Shortwave Radio
Description : Shortwave Radio Enthusiasts.
Categories : Arts and Entertainment : Radio : Shortwave
Usenet :
Language : English [ E N G L I S H ]
A Google categorisation for filtering Google groups and Usenet
newsgroups for searchers' convenience does not a rule make. Otherwise,
the Google Categories would dictate:
Arts and Entertainment Radio ---- we can only talk about arts and
entertainment on radio
Usenet : rec.radio ---- let's not use Google, it's Usenet so use the
corresponding technology
Language : English ---- the RHF rule
Activity : High ---- your guess is as good as mine
That just shows how silly it is to say that all postings must be in
English because Google says so. All Google is doing is to categorise
groups by language predominantly used so that you can selectively
search within a language set.
The Google 'About rec.radio.shortwave' has some interesting and
depressing stats:
1. The five busiest years (total number of messages posted) in
descending order:
2004 63771
2005 60627
2002 54664
2001 46774
2006 46008
2. 2007 has tapered off markedly - projecting maybe 33000 messages.
3. The all time highest poster is Cuhulin with over 18000 messages.
4. RHF is overtaking Cuhulin based on postings over the first 7 days
of this month: 134 for RHF vs 97 for Cuhulin. That's approx 20/day
from RHF and 14/day from Cuhulin. At this rate he will catch up in 6
years and they will have posted around 48000 messages apiece! That's
really depressing!
What is really depressing is that you fools are on Google groups.
Grow up!
As if you ever have anything worthwhile to contribute.