Ten Tec RX-320D Receiver ? -vice- WinRadio WR-G303e Receiver?
Matt wrote:
In article 46e2a27a@kcnews01, K Isham wrote:
I own a Ten Tec 320D which I like very much, I also own a JRC 535D,
Palstar R30CC and numerous Sony's. I am very impressed by the Ten Tec
it rates better than the Palstar in most cases and keep up with JRC unit
in most instantiates. The thing I like most about it is the computer
control, I can with my program for MAC (Mac logger) plus is to use the
databases to program unit for either time or station. This is helped me
to log more stations, because I alway forget what time so of the rare
ones are broadcasting. The Ten Tec is very sensitive also. I originally
got it so I could decode DRM transmissions. I am very impressed with
Radio New Zealand's offerings. The Sackville relay station in Canada has
several different station on 9800KHZ and about 0000 UTC RADIO TRP is
broadcast at 20 KBS stereo. At my QTH in Tucson, AZ I have very few
drop-outs while listening, as compared to my dial-up internet real-audio
/MP3 broadcasts.
Ken I
I am also interested in the 320d? do you use a mac with your 320d?
I use the MACLOGGERDX program to control my Ten Tec 320D with a $19.95
USB to serial converter that I picked up at Walmart and it works very
well. I have two PPC MAC MINIS.
There a Linux programs that you can get under the FINK and X CLASS, but
I still have not been able to make them work. To decode the DRM signals
on short-wave I use the DRM decoder program that I picked up on the Win
Radio site, and the DREAM software that I picked up when I bought my TEN
TEC on the WORLD STATION site it also came with the WORLD STATION
control program, but I rarely use it because I dislike the Windows
operating system. Bought the DRM decoder and Dream software have to be
run on a Windows OS so I still use my old At halon PC for DRM. Now
DREAM also can be run under LINUX but I not able to get it running due
to my Linux ineptitude, maybe one of these days I'll figure it out.
Now that Apple has put out a Core 2 DUO Mac Mini, I think I am going to
save up to buy one for Christmas time and run everything on the Mini
just using the Parraells program for simultaneously running both the MAC
and Windows OS.
The Ten Tec is a good buy, and I glad I bought one.
Ken I