On Sep 1, 8:18 pm, RHF wrote:
On Sep 1, 4:36 pm, dxAce wrote:
Steve wrote:
I recall some discussion of these a while back and I wouldn't mind
picking one up, but I can't remember where to get them.
If someone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.
Mike Maghakian had them, but unsure if he has anymore.
Ditto it was MM who was selling the Tuning Knobs. ~ RHF
high quality machined metal tuningknobfor communications receivershttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.swap/msg/52f3b856d530c91d
I picked one of these up and it's a nice knob. Nice, heavy metal.
Feels good. What I really need now--and should have thought of
previously--is a nice felt washer to put behind the knob. This should
improve the action of the knob a lot.
Does anyone know of a good source for something like this?