Radio Shack DX-390 Sick.
On Sep 12, 8:50 pm, jon wrote:
Greetings All!
My old faithful DX-390 has lost it's shortwave section. I know this is
probably an over load issue with FETs. How easy is this to replace
them? Can someone direct me to a website that will help? Thanks!
If you find that the problem was a blown FET, you can buy yourself
some cheap insurance against future zapping.
You can put a couple of antiparrallel diodes between the gate and
ground. If this causes interference because you are close to a lot of
high-power transmitters, put two of these circuits in series. Use
something like 1N914 or 1N4148 high-speed silicon switching diodes.
Depending on where you buy them them, they are 2-10 cents each. Back
in the old days, you could get a package of 20 from Radio Shack for US
$1.00 plus tax.