Rick (W-A-one-R-K-T) wrote:
After looking all year, I finally got my Hammarlund HQ-180A, have it set
up and working here in the shack, and it sure works nice for a 50 year old
boat anchor.
Now I'm looking for a transmitter to put with it. I'd really like a Heath
DX-100B because that was my first transmitter back in 1962, but I'd kind
of like SSB capability so I'm looking at a Marauder.
This one has come up for auction with a "buy it now" price of $195 (and a
shipping charge from SC to NH of around $75 grumble).
The cabinet does look a little rough, and the chassis could stand some
cleaning, but the front panel looks OK and if it works as well as the
owner says it does, maybe $270 (including shipping) isn't too bad.
What do you all think?
It certainly does look a bit rough. But I suspect there are not that
many Maurauders out there. Certainly there are many more DX-100s around.
How long have you been looking for a Maurauder? How often do they turn
up for sale in any condition?
I used to collect rare records, and I learned the hard way that when you
find something rare that you really want you should just buy it, because
the next time you see it the price will be even higher. Condition is
always a factor, but you can do a lot more to fix up a beat up piece of
electronics than you can do with a record that has been abused!
The price is less than what the kit sold for 45 years ago. Considering
what other equipment of this era is now selling for, it seems pretty
reasonable to me even in this condition. If it's working as well as the
seller describes it may need nothing more than cosmetic attention.
Just my $0.02 worth. YMMV. Good luck!
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