HQ100 alignment
"K3HVG" wrote in message
Nelson Gietz wrote:
Hi all,
Has anyone got detailed and correct info on
aligning a Hammarlund HQ100? The admittedly
poor copy I have seems to advise tuning the RF
input transformer T1 at 6 mHz, which is impossible...
it's the BC band.
Maybe a decimal disappeared on this print?
Nelson, I'm looking at an original HQ-100 book. There us no reference
in the book for an adjustment at 6 MHz. As I read the alignment
pictorial (Figure 7), the left rear-most can (T-1 antenna) is adjusted
at .6 MHz. The right, front-most can (L-3 oscillator)is adjusted as
follows: top slug is adjusted at .6 MHz, the bottom slug at 1.65 MHz.
Does this help?
Yes, very much... that's exactly what I was hoping for. The BAMA Djvu
and .pdf files are okay, but one does not show a decimal, and the other
shows only a vestige... not much more than a pixel. If you blow it up
on a graphics program, it's visible. That's a hazard with using scans, I
Along with some other things, it seems the primary on T1 got cooked at
some time, and the rewind job was simply hand-spinning some enameled
solid on there. It's in very good hands now, getting what I expect will be
an excellent rewind... although we're still working out turn count and wire
gauge for it.