Your opinion on this Heath Marauder...
There are scant few choices if you are looking for a AM TX with high
level plate modulation as well as SSB.
You could go with a Johnson Ranger or DX 100 + a SSB converter.
A good inexpensive SSB TX is the Drake TX series. It does AM using
controlled carrier. I have the T4XB & it is excellent. The Collins S
line (pricey) & the heath SB units (variable build quality) are less
desirable alternatives.
A very rugged yet inexpensive plate modulated AM TX is the Johnson
Viking II.
On Sep 15, 8:49 pm, "Rick (W-A-one-R-K-T)"
After looking all year, I finally got my Hammarlund HQ-180A, have it set
up and working here in the shack, and it sure works nice for a 50 year old
boat anchor.
Now I'm looking for a transmitter to put with it. I'd really like a Heath
DX-100B because that was my first transmitter back in 1962, but I'd kind
of like SSB capability so I'm looking at a Marauder.
This one has come up for auction with a "buy it now" price of $195 (and a
shipping charge from SC to NH of around $75 grumble).
The cabinet does look a little rough, and the chassis could stand some
cleaning, but the front panel looks OK and if it works as well as the
owner says it does, maybe $270 (including shipping) isn't too bad.
What do you all think?