WTAM 1100 now IBOC wiping out WBT 1110
On Sep 18, 2:35 am, IBOCsuckx wrote:
It used to be that if you could not hear C2CAM on 1100 WTAM out of
Cleveland you
could hear it on 1110 WBT out of Charlotte and visa-versa. Now that
1100 WTAM is transmitting
IBOC 24/7 forget about hearing WBT in some areas of the country. The
white noise
this IBOC crap puts out is easily covering up 10 kHz either side of
WTAM's carrier on 1100.
IBOC sucks. Plain and simple. IBOC suckz MAJOR ASS.
If more stations start comming up with this IBOC crap
at night look for my two GE Superadios to be on e-Bay
or perhaps on the curb in-a-box on trash night soon.... ;(
Living in NC,WBT was always my clearest station when I wanted to
listen to AM C2C at night .Now
it sounds like a printing presses in a newspaper room.It is a sad day
or night when they ruin your favorite local station.
All my radios & different antennas -doesnt matter-train wreck!