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Old September 19th 07, 12:13 AM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2007
Posts: 2
Default Random wire Receiver antenna good enough?


I have just gotten my radio license and someone gave me an old
hammarlund receiver that hadn't been used in over 25 years. I used a
variac to bring up the power slowly, because I was told that the
capacitors needed to be reconditioned. Everything seemed to work fine
and I was able to pull in some transmissions with a random wire
antenna. I don't have a transmitter yet, so I am hoping to just use a
longer random wire antenna, laid along the attic until I can get money
together etc. My question is probably dumb, but I was wondering if
there is an "optimal length" for a random wire antenna for hf?

THanks for any help you can provide,

Joel Hainley