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Old September 19th 07, 07:25 AM posted to
miki miki is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 24
Default Random wire Receiver antenna good enough?

wrote in message
On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 22:13:31 -0000, wrote:


I have just gotten my radio license and someone gave me an old
hammarlund receiver that hadn't been used in over 25 years. I used a
variac to bring up the power slowly, because I was told that the
capacitors needed to be reconditioned. Everything seemed to work fine
and I was able to pull in some transmissions with a random wire
antenna. I don't have a transmitter yet, so I am hoping to just use a
longer random wire antenna, laid along the attic until I can get money
together etc. My question is probably dumb, but I was wondering if
there is an "optimal length" for a random wire antenna for hf?

THanks for any help you can provide,

Joel Hainley
well the questions is good enough for what?

1sure it is a good start

2 optimmum lentgh well Id say yes and know some od multiple of he band
you want to hear most is like a good lentgh so you might want about 3
(or 5 or 7) half wavelenghs for 20 m for the and if you have room 3
half waves for 40 or 80 at night

3 I am not familair with your model reciever if is odd enough it may
have AM cap which would be VERY limited if it doess SSB it is likely

welcome aboard and beware the troll on here

"one useless man is disgrace 2 become a law firm 3 or more become a


woger you are a Congress all in your own head

and get ou the newly recovered as well


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If a "random" wire has an "optimum" length, then
(it seems to me) it is no longer "random". miki.