FM HD in its current form will likely survive it's unlikely AM HD will fail.
On Sep 19, 8:08 am, "Frank Dresser"
"Rfburns" wrote in message
Since FM HD in its current form will likely survive it's very, very
unlikely AM HD will fail. Since both systems were hatched by iBiquity
they will both be force fed to the consumer untill such a time, in the
future, when the FCC sets a date for the end of analog radio.
I'm not so impressed with ibiquity. They've screwed up more than they've
succeeded. Their biggest success, self-promotion, has cast an ironic light
on their shortcomings. If ibiquity is going to wait it out, it's going to
take money. Were's that money going to come from? From broadcasters who
have to keep paying -- right now -- for the promise that significant
numbers of listeners will someday strart trickling in? Or will the money
come from a turnaround in sales of all those expensive HD radios?
will be no FM HD without AM HD ....period.
- Why not? HD needs radio sales to have a chance.
- Consumers have a long track record of preferring cheap radios.
- Most people don't think a HD radio is worth one or two hundred
- bucks more than a regular radio.
- But plenty of people will chance it for five bucks.
- And FM-HD is stronger than AM-HD.
The vast majority of Consumers buy Low Cost Kitchen Radios
and Bedside Radio Alarm Clocks.
All The FCC Had To Do / All the FCC Has To Do is Mandate
that All 'new' Consumer and Automotive AM/FM Radios sold
in the USA are IBOC {Analog and Digital} Compliant by a
Certain Date [.]
Then over time IBOC will be forced upon the Consumer and
Automotive Drivers.
IMHO - It is Automotive Drivers via New Car/Truck purchases
that are 'naturally transitioned' into New Radio Technologies.
An IBOC "HD" Radio in every Car/Truck for Drive Time Radio
Listeners to Listen To : Will Get These Radio Listeners To
Want An IBOC "HD" Radio In Their Homes and At The Office.
IBOC FM "HD" Radio 'fits' the FM Radio Band Plan
and should be accepted by Consumer over time as
a better mode of Radio Enjoyable FM Radio Listening.
IBOC AM/MW "HD" Radio does not 'fit' the AM/MW Radio
Band Plan and may fail; without a major revision to the
AM/MW Radio Band Plan :
* Fewer AM/MW Radio Stations with the Migration
of most of the AM/MW Band Radio Stations to the
FM Radio Band.
* Greater Channel Spacing : 25 kHz vice 10 kHz
* More Uniform Digital Broadcast Signal Power for all
AM/MW Digital Radio Stations 500 to 2500 Watts (1:5)
vice the Analog scheme of 1000 to 50,000 Watts (1:50)
Note this puts the Locals at 500/1000 ~50% of their
original Analog ERP -and- the Clear Channels at
2500/50000 ~ 5% of their original Analog ERP making
them Regional Broadcastes.
I Ask Myself : What IBOC ?
All I See Is The Blinking Blue Light ! ~ RHF
In the Distant Land Where IBOC Fears To Go :
Life Exists and Radio Listeners Live Beyond the 10mv/m Contour.