RHF and David - One in the same?
On Fri, 21 Sep 2007 01:29:49 -0700, RHF
On Sep 21, 1:07 am, wrote:
On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 20:34:43 -0700, RHF
On Sep 20, 8:25 pm, wrote:
- Are they the same person?
- They never post at the same time.
- Have never been seen together.
- Are in the same time zone.
- Both post large volumes of off topic material.
- Hmmmm, could it be they are one person posting with
- two different names with the purpose of providing what
- he/they consider to be entertainment?
DX Savant - You Are A Conspiracy In Your Own Mind ~ RHF
But -if- Entertaining We Be - Then Happy Be Ye !
You added improper punctuation to what I posted.............that could
be the evidence proving youi are not David.
Must consider this further....................bythe way, if you are
worthy of ignoring as you mention in a later post why do you post at
all. Is it for the same reason I am doing this - entertainment?
- At least you don't hate America but damn I wish
- you'd leave Allah out of your posts.
DX Savant,
When I make this Personal Prayer {Statement of Faith - Belief} :
"God {Allah} Bless America - Amen ~ RHF"
I Am Claiming GOD {Even Their God "Allah"} is On America's Side.
I Yield No Ground {Even Heaven} :
To Those Who Would Call Me An Infidel -and- By Doing So :
Feel That They Have The Right and The Duty To Kill Me :
In The Name of Their God "Allah" [.]
the raving of a sane man in an insane world ~ RHF
You are not as much fun as David.......he takes everything so
seriously. Even he is not too much fun anymore - way too predictable.
Oh so boring on the newsgroup.............not even any really good
shortwave stuff - or even XM for David. Such a shame - usenet was
once a fun place.