FM HD in its current form will likely survive it's unlikely AM HD will fail.
"Telamon" wrote in message
In article ,
"David Eduardo" wrote:
"Telamon" wrote in message
Alright then the amount of time the radio plays. That comment didn't
quite fit in with semiconductor chip sets.
So can you point me to a HD portable that runs off batteries? Far as I
can see there are none.
Your reading comprehension really bites, doesn't it? I have said multiple
times that there will be a minimum of two and as many as 4 low power
consumption HD chips shipping in Q1 of 2008; these will enable portables
boom boxes of all sizes and we should see the first in Q2 or Q3 of 2008.
Nothing wrong with my reading comprehension since I did not read those
posts bozo. The posts I read spoke of portables back in 2006.
Nobody with any actual knowledge thought there would be portables in 2006.
In a luncheon address to the Program Directors and Managers I work with, in
2005, the CEO of iBiquity stated that there was no chip capable of portable
usage and that there were no portables in the immediate future. This was the
story everyone in the industry heard, so nobody in radio was talking about
portables in '06 as there were none, none were planned and the HD system was
not even approved..
First, the FCC had not approved HD. No company was going to take the risk of
spending on a chip design which would be useless if the FCC did not approve;
many were worried the FCC might change the standard, requiring chip
revisions. Now, they can safely proceed.
The moist significant development is the entry of Samsung, the largest
consumer electronics company in the world. This pretty much guarantees lower
prices and broad availability of chips and, consequently, radios.