FM HD in its current form will likely survive it's unlikely AMHDwill fail.
dxAce wrote:
m II wrote:
dxAcehole, Creator of all Universes and Supreme Commander United
Militias (S.C.U.M.) wrote:
2008! Damn, time sure has flown by since you adopted the 'Eduardo' shtick back in
That reminds's been DECADES since your foster family, in
reference to YOU, claimed:
“Some people are like slinkies......
Not really good for anything, but they will still bring a smile to your
face when you push them down the stairs.
Remember how long you were in a body cast? Three months, if I recall.
Remember how long you've been a dumbass Canuck? Since you were born, if I recall.
Alcohol impairs memory and recall. Hence, your recall is not to be trusted.