animalinstincts wrote:
Hi I'm a little new to this news group, have been reading through it for a
few only a few weeks. I recently bought a 2M Kenwood tr-7850 at a low price
it works great, but, it would be even better if i could use it to monitor
slightly lower frequences to ~141Mhz from 143.9 which are used by fire and
police in my area. Did a thourough check of the web for out of band mods for
this radio and the only information I have is that it probably involves
clipping or rearranging programming resisters on the CPU board. However its
almost impossible to guess at which ones. There are also about a million
adjustments inside it, one of them should be able to affect the VCO. Does
anyone have any info on how to do this or a schematic for this radio? Thanks
If you can't find any information about extended frequency operating for
that (or nearly ANY) radio here,
then your chances are slim of finding that info at all. And since I don't
see any mod for said purpose there, at
you are SOL. Sorry.
Thanks, Steve