EZNEC - is there an easy way... SWR... ham-bands only?
I've been "playing" with W7EL's EZNEC a lot (it's downright ADDICTIVE!-),
mostly comparing all-band wire antennas I might be able to construct.
I know how to have it calculate SWR for, say, 3.5-29.7 MHz, but that
results in a really-dense and hard-to-see chart. Is there a way to
have EZNEC calculate SWR for JUST certain hambands withOUT showing
the non-ham-band parts of the spectrum.
For example, 3.5-4 AND 7-7.3 AND 14.0-14.35 AND ...
but NOT including 4-7 OR 7.3-14 OR 14.35-21 OR ....
--Myron A. Calhoun.
Five boxes preserve our freedoms: soap, ballot, witness, jury, and cartridge
NRA Life Member & Certified Instructor for Rifle, Pistol, & Home Firearm Safety
Also Certified Instructor for the Kansas Concealed-Carry Handgun (CCH) license